EP 10: Davita Galloway on Why Art is Her Life Jacket
Davita Galloway is an artist, a public speaker, influencer, and a doer of all things dope. She is the co-owner of Dupp and Swat, a creative boutique and event space in Charlotte, North Carolina. She earned her Master’s in Public Health from UNC-Charlotte and was a student at Parsons School of Design in New York. Over the last few years,
she’s started a number of initiatives related to entrepreneurship & social equity, including TeamBlkGrlFly — a platform created to celebrate, highlight and uplift Black women, encouraging them to show up as their genuine selves in every area, all the time.
Her failure quote: “If you aren’t failing, you aren’t trying hard enough…Failure to me is another opportunity to succeed. It’s another chance. It’s a teacher, an educator.”
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why she needed permission to go to fashion school but gave herself permission to drop out
- What it means to her to be an “influencer”
- Why she created BlackGirlFly
- Why black women sometimes feel extreme pressure not to fail when they’re given opportunities and work twice as hard to prove themselves.
- Why getting arrested in New York is one of her favorite failures
- Why we wound up singing an excerpt from a Sesame Street song together
- How to do “the work” to live your life authentically
- What specific questions you have to ask yourself to trust be successful in life (Hint: “What do you want? How are you going to get there? What are you willing to sacrifice?”)
Join the conversation!
Fun with Failure on Twitter: @funfailpodcast
Davita Galloway, Instagram: @theDavitaGalloway
Davita’s website: https://www.thedavitagalloway.com
Dupp and Swatt on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duppandswat/
Dupp and Swatt on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DuppAndSwat/